Talent Attraction: Energising Your Employer Value Proposition
- February 7, 2022
If you’ve never heard of an employer value proposition or brand before, now’s the time to expand your education.
According to the CIPD, an employer value proposition is a way your business will differentiate itself from competitors when it comes to attracting talent.
The question is, what characteristics do you need to demonstrate to attract talent in your sector today?
The U.K. is currently in the grip of one of the worst skills shortages in the last twenty years. Skilled candidates are in the driving seat of their careers, and many will naturally pick a company based on their brand presence in the market and the narrative related to how they treat their employees.
The last few years have seen talented people re-evaluate their careers and the expectations of the companies they work for. Today, employees will consider moving to get what they want. That might be better pay and conditions, development opportunities and the option to work remotely, amongst other reasons.
Considering the commercial value good talent brings to your firm, perhaps it’s time to energise your current employer brand to attract the talent you now want to take your business forward.
Let’s explore this more in today’s post.
Definitions: EVP versus Employer Brand
According to various sources online, employer branding became prevalent in the early 1990s. Since then, it has become a recognised term in both H.R. and recruitment circles.
An employer brand is an impression your business gives as a good place to progress your career to current employees and key players in the external market. From a talent perspective, these would be active and passive candidates.
So, EVP versus employer brand, what is the connection? The CIPD reminds us that we have an employer brand whether we have consciously developed it or not.
If we were to sit around a table and talk about Wetherspoons or Uber, we would all have an opinion about their brand and how they treat their employees.
The employee value proposition for both these brands could potentially do with some work when it comes to their EVP; in other words, “why would I want to work for Uber of Wetherspoons?”.
EVP is, therefore, the conversation and communication points around why I would want to work for this brand.
Building a Stronger EVP
The topic of this post relates to energising your current EVP to attract and keep talent.
Fundamentally an employer value proposition is a list of specific and unique benefits an employee can expect to receive when they join your business.
Vision, motivation, development, acceptance, a diverse and inclusive environment, benefits, pay, wellbeing, and community. The CIPD defines EVP in a simple and jargon-free way: “The value proposition describes what an organisation stands for, requires and offers as an employer.”
If your people are leaving your business, your recruiting partner is offering feedback about your perception in the market, and your job offers are being turned down, it’s time to look at your EVP and how you are communicating ‘why you’ into the market place.
Considering the changed expectations of talent today, which parts of your EVP need a revamp?
If you want some ideas, look at Microsoft’s Workplace Trends Index. The report highlights an important point that over 40% of the global workforce are considering leaving their current employer for an opportunity to work remotely.
Remote work has created new job opportunities for some, offered more family time, and provided options for whether or when to commute.
Review and Redefine Your EVP
The much-used term related to talent wars is based on the current volatile market and a shortage of skilled applicants for your roles.
More now than ever, it is critical to communicate your compelling offer and make the connection in a candidate’s mind that you are the firm to join.
As a specialist recruiter for over twenty years, we have seen past clients struggle because they have not given their EVP the importance it deserves.
Our role is to showcase your firm to prospective candidates, but it’s not easy if your EVP isn’t an attractive offering in today’s marketplace.
So how do you become more attractive?
As a starting point, review your current state and EVP as you plan your journey.
- What is our vision and mission; has it changed?
- When did we last conduct an employee survey?
- What is our purpose and ‘why’ as a business?
- How engaged is our current team?
- Do we have a strong leadership team to represent our brand?
- Why would people join us, and why do they stay?
- Do we have an attractive development culture?
- Is our current offer relevant and on point for the talent we want today?
- Do we have an experienced recruitment partner that can support our growth goals?
Create an Action Plan With Milestones and Timelines
Once you have assessed where you are, it is vital to take the necessary action. It is all too easy to procrastinate and blame what has happened and assume the current market will change; it won’t.
We are in an age of rapid innovation and digital disruption, with a workforce expecting more from their employers, including support, vision, direction, and development.
Knowing that candidates’ expectations from you, their employer are different, how will you change?
About Clayton Recruitment
Clayton Recruitment has been partnering with organisations across the country since 1989, and during that time has built up an excellent reputation for trust and reliability.
With specialist divisions covering Commercial, Financial, and Engineering appointments, on a permanent basis.
If you are looking for your next career move, we can help. Call us on 01772 259 121.
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