How To Handle The Dreaded Words: Sorry You Are Being Made Redundant?
- October 28, 2022
As an employee being made redundant can come as a shock, especially if you had no idea it was likely to happen.
The initial communication isn’t always easy to take. However, remember it can and does get better.
As a recruitment company that has been around for over 30 years, we have helped hundreds of people navigate those dreaded words and in such a way that they can dust themselves off and move on with their lives, often to something even better.
As with any problem in life that needs handling, you need a plan. Having spoken to many people like you in this situation, here is what to do next.
Ask Why?
Though why isn’t always the best question to ask, in this case, it is.
Hard though it might be to hear, a recruitment company you work with or your next employer is going to ask why you were made redundant, so you need to have a clear answer.
Perhaps the market has changed, and they haven’t moved with the times or perhaps sales and marketing haven’t been up to scratch, and new business has not been gained the way it could, or maybe they have lost a contract or funding.
It’s important to have a clear understanding of what has happened in the company that has resulted in your redundancy. Though this is an uncomfortable situation, it’s important to know their rationale and why you or your team are leaving.
It might be that they are trimming down or removing a department. Perhaps A.I. technology has meant that certain aspects of your role are no longer viable.
Once you have a handle on this, you can then formulate your next steps in how you will communicate what has happened.
It’s Not Your Fault
I know it’s easy for me to say and don’t take it personally, as my experience over the years working in recruitment is that it’s rarely your fault. The role has been made redundant, not you. The role you did no longer exist. You have done nothing wrong; it’s important to avoid thinking in terms of not being good enough. Unfortunately, life has a way of throwing us a curve ball sometimes; we have to accept it and move on.
Expect To Have Fluctuating Emotions
It’s likely your emotions will be all over the place during the first few weeks; it’s normal. In many ways this is a good thing; don’t bottle it up whatever you do.
I have personally spoken to candidates who have felt rejection, anxiety, anger and elation and all within the same day too.
Here is something to remember; it will get better. The good news is that over time they will pass and be replaced by a feeling of acceptance and moving forward. Again, it’s normal for these thoughts to bounce around and to feel that you aren’t making progress, but it will pass.
Know Your Rights and Get Support
Though most employers are trustworthy and want to do their best, it’s worth asking what happens next; especially when it comes to your financial package, holiday pay and leave date.
It’s worth asking your employer what their plans are to help you transition. Depending on your organisation they may be willing to provide outplacement support.
Outplacement support is provided to help former employees transition to new jobs and help them re-orient themselves in the job market.
It is normally provided by a third party and paid for by your employer. It generally involves practical advice, training and workshops.
To manage your expectations, not every employer provides this, though if they do, accept it.
Start Planning
It’s important to face reality and get a handle on your financial commitments too. You might have a financial package given to you that will soften the blow. No matter what, it is important to manage your personal cashflow budget.
If you were planning a huge holiday, it might be an idea to place this on hold. It’s not that your life needs to stop; however, it is a good idea to plan your spending in a way that doesn’t put you under pressure.
Set Your Goals and Contact A Recruitment Agency
The good thing about the job market today is that it is buoyant, AND importantly there are recruitment companies who can help you find your next role.
Contacting a recruitment company especially in today’s job market is key; not only to help you potentially secure a new role but to also have some career advice too.
For instance, at Clayton Recruitment we employ recruitment consultants; there is a clue in their role description.
Depending on the role you are looking for, we might even be able to represent you personally to our clients. Our networks are huge.
About Clayton Recruitment
Clayton Recruitment has been partnering with organisations across the country since 1989 and during that time has built up an enviable reputation for trust and reliability.
With specialist divisions covering Commercial, Financial, Industrial, and Engineering appointments, on both a permanent and temporary basis. If you are looking for your next career move, we can help. Call us on 01772 259 121 or email us here.
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