Suffering Mid-Year Career Blues Is It Time To Leave Your Current Role?
- September 5, 2019
Accountancy can be incredibly rewarding, but as with many great jobs, there comes a set of specific difficulties. Going through a tough period at work, and wanting to leave and join a different firm are two different things – so, how do you spot the difference?
There is a big difference between dreaming of a new job and actively seeking out new opportunities. At this time of the year, many people’s minds start to wander to the ‘what-if’ situations.
If you have come back from your summer holiday and realised that something isn’t quite right in your role – this article is for you. A little time away from your company can sometimes give you the fresh perspective on your career that you need to ask the question – ‘have I got the mid-year blues, or it is time for a change?’
This article should help you find out which it is.
The Accountancy ‘Calender’ Isn’t Always Easy
Now, this is an understatement if we’ve ever heard one. Yes, accountancy can be incredibly tough – long hours, deadlines that seem impossible, and not to mention the hectic seasons dictated by the taxman.
Did you predict that accountancy was going to be tough when you decided on this as your career path? Think back – you probably did, but might not have realised the extent of the pressures.
It is natural in any sector to have peaks and troughs – times when you feel like you’ve got the best job in the world, and times when you don’t want to get up in the morning. The usual ebb and flow of any career is not something which should be making you write your resignation letter, but if you’ve felt unhappy in your accountancy role for quite a while now, it could be a sign you’re ready for something new.
January through to March is when an accountant’s work will seem never-ending, with the end of year tax deadlines looming and every client wanting a moment of your time.
This can make some people feel overwhelmed, while others thrive on it.
If you feel as though you’ve lost your passion for accountancy of late, is it simply the mid-year slump that has left you feeling deflated? If you’re someone who thrives on being busy, having quieter times such as the summer can be the last thing you want.
During quieter periods, however, there are steps you can take to make sure that you’re not getting bored in your role.
Ask your manager if there are any other tasks or projects that you can take on during the summer lull. They will be happy for the help, and you might learn a part of your firm’s processes that you weren’t aware of before – it could be the start of a learning curve for you.
It is important to remember that if your firm always gets quieter this time of year -it might be just a lull. Compare January to June during the times you’ve been in your current role to assess the typical trajectory of your workflow.
Where Do You Fit In?
Some people say that when you know a job isn’t working out – you just know.
As a recruiter, I witness accounting employees and candidates at all stages of their career journey and this experience has given me a good handle on some of the main reasons people feel unhappy, and finally decide to leave their current role.
Yes, sometimes it is about the salary and the compensation packages, but quite often – it is down to the company culture.
Working for an accountancy firm where you get on with and share the same values and interests with other staff members can be a joy. It some cases it can even make up for other less desirable elements of your job.
A recent workplace study found that 56% of employees valued a good company culture fit over salary.
Did you take this particular accounting job because of the high salary? If so, did you also carefully weigh up if you are a good fit within the culture of the firm?
Quite often, when employees start to feel disengaged and eventually unhappy at work, they think ‘why do I feel like this? I’ve worked hard to get to this salary level!’ without realising that their ‘perfect fit’ of a job is to do with far more than the salary that lands in their bank account each month.
Your mid-year blues could be a sign that you are working in a firm whose culture you don’t fit in with. Talking to a specialist recruiter can help you figure this out.
How Can a Recruiter Help?
Recruiters don’t just deal with placing candidates in roles (although, that is what we are famous for!). Every day, we deal with inquiries about roles, we are sought out for advice from both candidates and clients, meaning we have an in-depth knowledge of the deep-seated and variety of reasons people have for looking for a new job.
If your current accountancy role isn’t making you as engaged as it once was, call us today to discuss your options. We recruit for a variety of accountancy roles – we might have the role you’ve been searching for.
About Clayton Recruitment
Clayton Recruitment has been partnering with organisations across the country since 1989 and during that time has built up an excellent reputation for trust and reliability.
With specialist divisions covering Commercial, Financial, Industrial, and Engineering appointments, on both a permanent and temporary basis. If you are looking for your next career move, we can help. Call us on 01772 259 121 or email us here.
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