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How can candidates prepare for Assessment Methods

  • June 27, 2018

While few companies have hiring processes as challenging as the likes of Google and Apple, far more businesses are introducing additional assessment measures into their recruitment process. In the never-ending war for talent, companies are looking to find the best suited candidate, often in professions with growing skills shortages.

Read the job spec

Before you even begin the application process, make sure you read the job specification thoroughly and spend time considering how you could demonstrate the required abilities and the relevance of your experience. In most instances the first step to any online application is uploading your CV, and companies will be looking for you to demonstrate a set of core competencies, so alter the content slightly if needed to ensure it is directly relevant to the position you are applying for.

Know what’s being looked for

Online assessments are no longer box ticking exercises, often they include series of multiple choice questions designed not only to test a candidate’s professional knowledge, but also their commercial awareness and values. These tests are often designed with multiple ‘right’ answers and candidates will be expected to pick the most relevant response, so it is crucial to understand what a company is looking for in their employees.

Do your research

It’s definitely worth spending time reading through the businesses’ website, particularly any ‘about us’ or ‘values’ pages. This kind of information will likely give you an insight into the kind of qualities that an organisation is looking for. For roles which frequently receive a high volume of applications, hiring managers will look for candidates that demonstrate an understanding of the company’s key values. Entry level candidates who are able to demonstrate that they would fit in well within a company’s culture will likely set themselves apart from their peers with similar experience.

Have real examples

Skills-based assessments are now also being used by hiring managers to sift through suitable candidates. Some organisations may ask candidates to demonstrate relevant skills such as clear communication, multi-tasking and commercial awareness through a series of skills based tests. These tests frequently take place during the interview stage of the recruitment process, where hiring managers are able to accurately assess a candidate’s professional skillset. For roles that require strong communication skills, interviewers might set candidates a writing task, while hiring managers interviewing for roles that require a sense of commercial acumen might ask them to discuss relevant news stories.

So, while it is important to ensure that your CV accurately represents your skills and experience, it’s becoming increasingly important to prepare for skills and value based assessments as well.

Check out our advice pages for more hints and tips.

If you would like to speak to one of our Recruitment experts, call the office on 01772 259121 or email and we will be more than happy to help.

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Stage 2: Nailing your interview

  • June 23, 2018

You may have seen our previous blog on creating a great CV, but how do you nail the next stage to secure your dream job. You might think that now you’ve passed through the gatekeeper that the hard part is over, but the interview really gives you the chance to strut your stuff in front of the key decision makers. So what should you keep in mind?

Be punctual, but not too punctual

Arriving early for the interview is important, after all it doesn’t exactly set a glowing precedent for what your time working there will be like if you’re late. However, don’t make the mistake of being too early as you’re more likely to look desperate more than anything else. A good rule of thumb is to be 15 minutes early, stick to that and it gives you plenty of time to compose your thoughts as well as demonstrating your good timekeeping skills.

Practice, practice, practice

Ensure you conduct some thorough research on the organisation that you can drop throughout your interview to highlight your knowledge and proactivity. Go over some standard interview questions as well as some role specific ones with a friend or family member and you’re likely to feel much more prepared and less stressed when the day comes around. However, it’s a thin line to tread between being ready and sounding like you’re reading off a script, so try to keep things as natural as possible.

Give examples

Rather than just reeling off a list of your top attributes, look to form an evidence based argument about why you should get the role you want. You need to show proof that you are what you say you are and highlighting your achievements build a more compelling case for why the organisation should choose you. If you can show examples of when you’ve saved your previous employers time or money or simplified any overly complex processes, you’re likely to stand in good stead.

Interview your interviewer

This isn’t just an opportunity for the organisation and its staff to learn about you, it’s also your chance to learn about them so try and turn the situation into a conversation, rather than an interview. Don’t go over the top, you do still need to answer the questions you’re being posed, but look to send some back in the other direction.

Prepare questions in advance

Along similar lines it’s also crucial to prepare a series of questions to ask at the end of the interview and not having any rarely tends to leave a favourable impression. Good examples include asking about timeframes, when you’re likely to hear back from them and if the firm has interviewed many people for the role. A good question to get real insight into the organisation is asking them what they like about working there. There are no definitive rules, but it’s certainly much better to have something ready to ask.

Close the interview and follow up

Finally, look to close the interview yourself by asking whether there’s any other information that they would like to know about you or if there are any areas of your CV or application that they have questions over. It’s also well worth following up your interview with a quick email or phone call to say thanks as this is likely to make you stand out from the crowd when they review applications.

What factors do you think are important to nail an interview? Share your thoughts with us below.

Read this blog for some advice on the first 90 days of your new job. Also, check out our other blog posts here.

If you are still on the hunt for that dream job, call the office on 01772 259121 to see how we can help. Or check out our current jobs here.

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What to look for in a recruitment agency

  • June 19, 2018

As a business, one of the main challenges you’re likely to face is finding the employees that can help you grow. And to do that effectively you need to work with a recruitment consultancy. But with so many firms in the market, each offering to ‘revolutionise your people strategy’ or ‘find the talent that can make a difference’, what should you be actually be looking for when selecting a hiring partner?

  • A sector expert. You don’t want to waste your time outlining the hiring issues in your specific sector or what skills your ideal employee would have, you want an organisation that already knows what a good employee looks like and where to find them. A good way to gauge the level of expertise of a recruiter is to check their blog or social media channels. If they’ve been regularly commenting on the hot issues within the sector, then it’s likely they know what they’re talking about. Alternatively you could just pick up the phone and ask a few questions to the firm’s employees which should also allow you to ascertain their knowledge levels. 
  • A trusted advisor. There are far too many organisations that will simply nod their heads and say what they think you want to hear in order to secure payment. But the better firms will operate as a partner rather than just a supplier and won’t just say yes to everything. They’re also likely to take a real interest in finding out more about the culture of your firm and what makes it tick in order to find the best possible fit. 
  • A deep and detailed hiring process. Before committing to an agency, find out what its hiring process is, what they test, how they test for it and generally how stringent they are when reviewing potential hires. The best organisations will do everything they can to assess not just an individual’s ability to carry out their role, but also crucially how likely they are to stay with the job, rather than leaving after a short period of time and forcing you to restart the entire process all over again. 
  • A good reputation. This one may seem obvious but there is no excuse for not carrying out full and careful research on any organisation that you’re potentially going to work with. Have previous clients left glowing reports praising the agency? If not, why not? The best firms are likely to have at least some testimonials or sound bites reporting the positive feedback they’ve received from successful projects and if you can’t find any, you should begin to ask questions. 
  • Accredited. It may not have immediately leapt to the forefront of your mind but choosing an agency that’s a member of a trade body can make a huge difference. For one thing you’ll have a point of contact that you can complain to should the relationship turn sour, or if the firm acts in an unethical or unprofessional way. It’s essentially a guarantee that the firm will do things in the right way. Similarly, find out whether the business believes in professional qualifications and developing the skill sets of its own staff. Qualified consultants will possess expert knowledge on the legal, ethical and professional issues in your specific sector and will therefore be in a much better position to work with you.

What factors do you think firms should identify in a recruitment partner? Let us know your thoughts below.

Read our tips to getting the best from your recruitment provider or call the office on 01772 259121 to speak to one of our experts. To Register a Vacancy online, click here.

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What should sales professionals look for from an employer?

  • June 12, 2018

Sales professionals often get unfairly criticised by those who say they’re just in it for the money. While that may be true to a degree – after all, very few salespeople become successful without that basic drive to make cash – there’s a considerable amount outside of commission that professionals should seek out from an employer before committing to a job move. Here’s what you need to find out before taking a role with the wrong firm.

Training and development opportunities

In some cases, training is seen as a distraction from delivering what your job requires, but in fact, developing your skills is crucial to progressing your career and any employer worth their salt will look to build on their employees’ pre-existing competencies. If nothing else, it makes simple business sense to want to maximise the potential of the people they’ve invested in. In an ideal world, every job should come with opportunities to further your skills, however not enough organisations actually appreciate the value of developing their staff.

A company that provides a structured training programme is one that’s committed to the ongoing development of its staff, so ensure that you ask for information regarding available development opportunities before making a decision. Asking these types of questions is also likely to look good in the eyes of the employer, as it shows that you’re passionate about growing with the business.

Work/life balance

Yes, it’s true that this possibly isn’t the easiest profession to incorporate flexible working practices, but it can, and should, be done. The working world has changed and, as we all know, modern professionals tend to want more of a balance between work and social time than their predecessors. If businesses want to retain their best employees, particularly those from the millennial generation, then they need to be offering this to their staff. It won’t be suited to everyone and you may not even want to work on a flexible basis, but it’s crucial that employers at least offer this to their employees. Giving these types of perks to staff is one indication of a firm that cares for the development and wellbeing of its people.

Career progression

The last thing you want to do is find yourself stagnating in a role with no potential for climbing the career ladder. Look at the position and consider where it can take you within that particular organisation. It goes without saying that you should be asking about this in your interview, or even before then if possible, but you can also keep in mind that there’s likely to be a considerable amount of information available in the public domain. For example, see if you can track down salespeople on LinkedIn who’ve been at the firm for two-three years and find out how they’ve progressed. It’s a good sign if the organisation appears to have a structured progression path in place with clearly definable targets that allow you to have a clear idea of how you’re developing.

Sales roles are about more than just commission and while it may be the money that attracts you to a role, it’s likely to be the benefits that only the best employers provide that keep you there. Don’t be fooled by attractive OTE numbers alone and instead look deeper before committing to your next sales role, you’ll reap the rewards in the long run.

What other factors do you think sales professionals should look for in an employer? Share your thoughts with us below.

If you want some advice on your career or want to know our current opportunities, call the office on 01772 259121 or email Visit our jobs page to view all our current jobs.

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Why we should value the senior end of the workforce more

  • June 5, 2018

Senior workers are often given short shrift in the working world. Many are seen as technophobes, grumps and various other redundant and generally untrue stereotypes. However, we believe employers should be doing much more to value the silver end of the workforce, and here’s why.

The most powerful position in the world has been filled by 72 year old Donald Trump since January 2017. That’s not to mention in this country where the leader of the Labour party, Jeremy Corbyn is 67 and the Queen is 90. In the business world the likes of Warren Buffett make a mockery of the idea that senior professionals can’t be effective and with people likely to live considerably longer in the future it makes sense for firms to take advantage of these skills much more than they currently do.

One of the reasons is that, naturally, senior professionals will have considerably more experience than the rest of the workforce. This means that they’re highly valuable assets to have on board because they’ll have a stronger understanding of the long term effects of specific actions. Rather than thinking in the short term, older workers are likely to think more strategically and over a longer timeframe. As we all know, diversity can be the key to business success and having these different perspectives in your team can be immensely valuable. Experience also brings a wider network and older employees are likely to have built up a greater array of potentially useful business contacts than a more junior professional.

Another major factor is loyalty. While it may sound like a sweeping generalisation, it’s very often true. Younger generations tend to job hop – which isn’t necessarily a bad thing – more regularly than their predecessors, while senior professionals are more likely to be loyal to their employer, if you treat them well that is. Part of this stems from the fact that they’re much more likely to have a clearer idea of what they want from a job, rather than eyeing up their next potential opportunity. In fact, a report published by BLS (Bureau of Labour Statistics) found that the average tenure at a specific organisation was considerably higher (10.2 years) for older professionals, than it was for younger employees.

More organisations should also channel the experience held by these professionals to mentor other employees, particularly in communications skills. Older workers will have been around at time when we people communicated face-to-face considerably more than they do now where e-mails, texting, social media and apps like WhatsApp are common place, even in the working wold. They’ve therefore generally got much more advanced communications skills which are essential in the business world, even today.

What attributes do you believe older workers can bring to an organisation? Share your thoughts with us below.

Call the office on 01772 259121 for some expert advice or read our other blogs here.

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Navigating recruitment to your new job

  • May 29, 2018

Finding a new job is tricky. Knowing where to look and assessing the opportunities that are available can be baffling. So how can job seekers navigate the choppy seas of recruitment to success? A clear plan and an experienced recruiter at your side make a lot of difference. Our two-stage guide gives you all you need to know.

Stage 1: Planning

Your job search strategy

The traditional job search has undergone significant change in recent years; across industries, employees are looking to the internet more and more when searching for their dream role. And with around 11 million jobs listed on LinkedIn alone, the trend isn’t likely to decrease any time soon. There’s still a place for more traditional methods of recruitment, however, you’ll need to be online to give yourself the best chance of success. Just make sure your online presence doesn’t detract from your chances; set your privacy controls to private, not public, on the likes of Facebook and there’ll be less chance that a recruiter will see something you’d rather they didn’t.

Don’t forget about the power of your network either! Word of mouth and personal referrals can be a powerful way to get in front of the right person. Alert contacts that you’re looking for a new role, attend events and put yourself out there. It could well be a case of who you know, not what you know.

Understanding the opportunities that are available

Be clear about what’s on offer out there. Assess which skills are in demand in your region or city. Are yours in surplus or high demand? Do you have a coveted specialism in a particular field? Or do you have broader skills such as experience working abroad or in a desirable sector that could be an asset? There are opportunities out there, but it’s having the patience to establish how they could work for you that will give you the greatest advantage when you put yourself in front of a prospective employer.

Consider your personal development and aspirations too, and what a new job means for your goals. Would you be willing to move for a job, commute, or learn something new? Balance your needs and expectations versus the demand and reality of what’s available.

Stage 2: Enlisting help

Recruiting the right recruiter

A recruiter is potentially the job seeker’s best friend – but to put your trust in them to find the right role, you’ll need to feel sure that they understand the requirements of the job. A specialist recruitment agency, or a recruiter that has experience in your industry, can be a real help here. Agencies have contacts stretching far and wide. Couple that with a fine-tuned knowledge of your industry and you can feel sure that your recruiter will boost your chances of getting in front of the right people.

Clarity on skills: a two-way street

Make it really clear to the recruiter just how your skills and experience fit with what the business is looking for. They will then be in a strong position when putting you forward for consideration. Equally, ensure that you’re comfortable with what the company is asking of the candidate. That way, when you reach the interview stage you’ll feel calm, prepared and confident and will make a good impression.

Landing your dream role isn’t easy. And when you’re eager to get stuck into something new the process of job hunting often feels endless. However, if you spend a little time doing your research and enlist the help of an experienced recruitment professional it makes a great difference. And when the recruiter knows your industry and the intricacies of your role the weight of job hunting becomes a lot lighter – and you’ll find yourself in an exciting new role before you know it.

If you found this blog of interest you may like to read our other post on The five toughest interview questions – and how to answer them.
Or if you’re looking for that perfect role, then check out all the vacancies we have available, and please do register your CV with us.

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8 steps to successfully recruiting new staff

  • May 23, 2018

Hiring new staff is no easy task. You need to consider any relevant qualifications, hands-on experience, area of specialism, salary, bonus; the list of things to think about is endless. Yet that doesn’t seem to stop companies from hiring; the latest figures from the Office of National Statistics indicate that employment rates are at 75.6% – the highest rate since 1971.

Despite economic pressures and doubt over the UK’s future relationship with Europe, businesses are still hiring employees in their droves. With all that recruitment activity going on it’s easy for the process to cause upheavals to the day-to-day running of your business. That’s why we’ve put together a guide to make your hiring process as efficient and effective as possible.

Tips for hiring the right candidate

Whether you’re taking on one person or a whole new team, follow these steps for a smooth and successful hiring process:

  1. Act fast: When a candidate responds you must act quickly. The longer you wait to get back to someone who shows an interest in working for your company, the greater the risk of them being snapped up by the competition.
  2. Project your brand: Treat your potential employees like you would your clients – show them what’s so great about working for you and demonstrate that your business is an attractive place to work. For a greater insight into employer branding our blog has everything you need to know.
  3. Avoid mistakes when hiring: It is absolutely crucial to get the hiring process right, not just from a business perspective, but from a legal perspective. Ensure that the person handling your recruitment is experienced and has a sharp eye for detail so that you won’t be exposed to accusations of discrimination or lack of due diligence. This will avoid costly legal proceedings and a lot of embarrassment. Which takes us to our next point…
  4. Dodge recruiting blunders: Ensure that your recruitment agency is experienced and won’t make costly errors. Having an external recruitment provider cause an issue is unlikely to be any less embarrassing or uncomfortable than if the mistake was made in-house.
  5. Be clear on how you will go about recruiting: Will the process be in-house or outsourced? Will there be a single point of contact within the business, or will recruitment be handled by a group of people? Having a clear process in place ensures all parties know where they stand and will enable those responsible for hiring to respond quickly to candidates, giving you the best chance at hiring the right person.
  6. Be transparent: If you’re going to attract the very best talent – and retain that talent – you need to be upfront and clear about everything: expectations, culture, the type of work available, salaries and bonuses. Any unexpected surprises could just put potential candidates off your business or see them jump ship shortly after joining you.
  7. Have a plan for the interview stage: A clear process for assessing candidates is crucial to screening the most suitable talent. Again, it’s worth considering whether this is something that will be handled in-house or externally. If handled externally, ensure that your recruitment consultant has clear guidelines as to what you are looking for – they may be able to conduct a brief initial interview with candidates and narrow the focus of your search, so you can consider only the best.
  8. Ensure the recruiter understands the job spec: Nobody knows your staff or the vacant position you need to fill like you do. That’s why it’s so important to give a clear, detailed and accurate job description to whoever is doing your recruitment – especially if you’re handing the task over to an external recruiter. Make sure they understand the job spec entirely, as being able to accurately represent your business to prospective employees stands you in good stead for finding the person with the skills and experience needed. It may be a good idea to enlist the help of a reliable recruitment specialist who has the experience of recruiting for your industry and is familiar with the intricacies of the sector.

Hiring the right person is tough for any organisation, and especially so in the competitive climate that many professions are party to. We hope these eight steps will make recruitment efficient and straightforward, so you can successfully appoint the right person to the post. Not only will a clear recruitment strategy and a trusted recruitment partner make the hiring process better, it’ll give your company the boost it needs to thrive in the long term.

You might also like to read our blog on How to handle a counter offer situation, and if you’re looking to recruit now, get in touch with us by calling 01772 259121 or Register a Vacancy directly online.

Click the following link to download our latest report on trends in recruitment: The 7 critical recruitment trends for businesses that will impact your talent pipeline in 2019.

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Factors to consider before deciding to move jobs

  • April 30, 2018

Looking for a new job is a big commitment. It takes time to figure out what is out there and how that fits with your career plans. Then there are the applications, interviews and time spent investigating your options. The decision to move is not taken lightly, so if you do decide to seek a new role you want to feel reassured that it’s the best fit for you. Our blog offers some important considerations about seeking a new role to help you establish what matters to you.

Monetary motivation

Cold hard cash is a major motivation factor when candidates consider a job move. The temptation of earning more money for the same job with a different company can prove too tempting to resist.

It’s also worth noting that in the business world, career progression and pay scales can be much more fluid than in professions that have a clear linear structure with regards to training, qualification and experience, such as doctors or legal professionals. If money is high on your list of priorities it’s often best to look at what the individual company is offering, as pay can vary within a sector dependent on the business.

The North-South divide is often talked about in the media; it’s true that there are broad discrepancies between take-home earnings dependent on where in the country you live and work. The Institute of Fiscal Studies published findings last year that state incomes in the South East of England are up to 25% greater than incomes in the West Midlands. If moving plays a part in your job search, the pull of big cities like London is often a major factor. It’s worth bearing in mind how location fits into your broader lifestyle desires when thinking about changing jobs.

Non-monetary rewards

Money can be a powerful reason to leave a job, yet non-monetary rewards can be just as motivational. Things such as contributions towards a gym membership, flexible or remote working, or discounted medical cover for the employee plus dependents and a spouse can be sufficiently tempting if you’re considering a move.
Personal perks offered by a company are often major considerations for many candidates. While London offers a fast pace of life and a vast array of career opportunities, different locations may appeal to people in different circumstances. A quieter location might be preferable for parents with children, while a job close to extended family might suit someone who helps care for a relative. Money can be tempting but personal circumstances are often a more powerful motivational force – and will likely continue to be so as our population ages and younger generations play a part in caring for elderly relations. Finding a business that supports flexible working or considers part-time hours can be invaluable and might just be the tipping point that pushes someone to jump ship.

Time, work and people management

Management issues are often cited when candidates are looking for a new job. Important issues to think about include:

  • How workloads are managed in the business: is there enough to do – or too much?
  • Time management: are employer expectations realistic? Does the job involve long, late hours?
  • Opportunities to gain managerial experience: if training is not forthcoming and managing a team is something you’re interested in, it could be time to move on.
  • Management of the business as a whole: if you’re at a stage in your career where you’re ready to take the next step and you want to influence how the company is run, look for senior or director-level positions. If these aren’t available, it’s time to move on.

Job titles and moving up

Career development isn’t always linear, but if you feel that your real-life responsibilities don’t match your job description you could be ready for a step up. If your employer isn’t forthcoming with dropping the ‘assistant’ from your managerial job title, and you have the necessary skills and experience, why not see what else is out there. Tread carefully though – some employers won’t hire a senior colleague without evidence of previous experience or time in a post, and it’s never a good idea to burn bridges with your current employer.

Stay or go: your own list of reasons

There are many factors that influence the decision to stay with or leave a business. Sometimes a large issue such as the salary that a company can offer feels too big to work around and can only be resolved by a move. Equally, smaller issues that combine to make a larger picture can be just as compelling in the decision to seek a new position.

The most important factors to consider when looking for a new job are the ones that matter to you. Whether that’s money, work/life balance, a comprehensive benefits package or proximity to family, only you can decide. Think carefully about what’s on offer in your current job and weigh that against what a different company or role can offer – and how that sits with what you want.

If you found this blog interesting, why not have a look at our other post on How can you tell if a job is right for you? Or if you’re looking for that perfect role, then check out all the vacancies we have available, and please do register your CV with us.

You may also like to download our guide on How to Develop Your CV.

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Talent drought: how to attract the best against the odds

  • April 24, 2018

Commercial talent; often it feels as though there isn’t any! And it’s not just a feeling either; in January, the British Chamber of Commerce published findings that skills shortages in both service and manufacturing industries were reaching ‘critical levels’. The headlines make for sobering reading, although it’s not all doom and gloom. Businesses can take specific steps to give themselves a much better chance of attracting, and retaining, the very best talent: a strong employer brand and a reliable recruitment partner could make the difference your company needs.

Building a brand: need to know

If asked to name a famous brand, there’s probably half a dozen or more that you could name off the top of your head. We’ve all heard of consumer brands like Coca-Cola, but what about employer brands?

An employer brand should be to your potential employees what your market branding is to the people that buy your products and services. It should be appealing and should essentially portray your business as a desirable place to work – as it is, no doubt. An employer brand might showcase the following aspects of your company:

  • Success stories – what kind of achievements have your staff made since working in your company?
  • Culture – is it work hard, play hard, or do you encourage staff to pursue a healthy work/life balance?
  • Quality of work – is the work varied, challenging and interesting?
  • Training and development – what opportunities are there to enhance skills, and how might a candidate grow their career with you?
  • Benefits – apart from salary and financial reward, what are the benefits of working for your business over and above another?


Post-recession and post-Brexit, those on the lookout for a new job want to know that the company they decide to work for is a solid investment of their professional time and skills. Businesses need to reassure potential candidates that their prospects are good and that the company offers a good fit in terms of values.

A strong employer brand shouldn’t just work to attract new talent, it should help to retain existing talent. In fact, one of the most effective ways to devise a strategy for creating an employer brand is to communicate with your existing staff. Find out what motivates them, what they would like to see more or less of, and how their experience could be improved upon and you’ll have a good idea of what potential employees are looking for.

Getting the right support for your employer brand

Having an employer brand is valuable and should pay dividends in the long term. A great employer brand, however, takes time to create, establish and maintain. And all the while the war for talent rages on. The very best talent work hard and it’s hard work to attract them to your company too!

A recruitment partner that works in the background while you concentrate on your own brand-building activity can be incredibly beneficial. An established recruitment agency will already have their own brand and a good reputation, which reflects well on your business and provides reassurance to the candidate. What’s more, a recruitment agency, especially one with a broad spectrum of commercial experience, will have their ear to the ground and be able to keep you informed of candidate feedback and motivations to be aware of when establishing and maintaining an employer brand.

Not just a helping hand

Clayton Recruitment’s regional analysis of recruitment trends in the North West found that vacancies are on the increase across all industries from commercial finance to logistics: it doesn’t appear that the skills shortage will be coming to an end any time soon. The benefit of working with a recruitment partner is that while you’re busy building up your employer brand, the agent can access their existing pool of talent to find you the best candidate.

An agency that understands and has plenty of experience in commercial recruitment is key too. They can use their extensive and wide-ranging sector knowledge to filter out the very best talent that matches up with your needs. And while the skills shortage isn’t likely to disappear overnight, it can take a weight off your shoulders knowing that a professional is handling your company’s recruitment.

If you’re thinking of creating an employer brand or think that your existing brand needs re-developing, then why not get in touch with Clayton Recruitment? We’d be happy to chat about employer branding or help with finding the best talent for your business.

If you’d like to find out more about building an Employer Brand, please download our guide here.

If you’d like to find out more about the benefits of using a specialised recruitment company, have a look at our blog on how to get the best out of your recruitment company.

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Forging a career: how to spot companies that offer more than a job

  • March 27, 2018

Job satisfaction is something that’s frequently held up as the pinnacle of working life. Yet more often than not developing a career is what offers the real satisfaction, not just having a job. Performing tasks because they have to be done feels a lot different to performing tasks that are leading you towards the next step on your career path. In fact, the Good Work Index developed by the CIPD  draws together insight on the factors that help us assess whether the job we have is poor, and how they can be improved. The report, amongst other factors, focuses on the importance of development opportunities to lead to an overall sense of fulfilment. We’ve therefore put together some hints on what to look out for in a company that offers a career… not just ‘a job’.

Junior level: getting off to a flying start

Whether you’re a graphic designer, a chemical engineer or a buyer, the training that you receive in the formative years of your career is so important. Whether you take the route through university with a specific career goal in mind or study an academic subject with only a vague idea of where it might take you, or whether you take an apprenticeship, you need to feel confident that a company has the right processes in place to support you on your journey into professional life.

Look out for businesses that have established training programmes for apprentices and graduates and, crucially, have a proven record of success. When you’ve invested time and money in education that will develop your career, you want to feel that a company will have the ability to support you as you move from novice to experienced professional; if the foundation is shaky then everything built on top will be unstable too.

Life in the middle lane: taking it up a gear

With a few years’ practical experience you’re in a good position to make decisions about your career that can bring exciting new ventures and opportunities. At this point, adding strings to your bow is a good idea. This could be about increasing your value as a whole. For example, you could take a management course so you can lead others. This increases your responsibility and makes you more valuable. It gives you skills that aren’t just about your work, such as people management and other soft skills. These are key in any management situation and are needed by companies across all sectors.

Alternately, at this point, you might want to make a change or head in a specialist direction. If so, then look out for businesses that align with your interests and can offer training that deepens your knowledge, as this will allow you to carve out a particular route for your career. On the flip side, maybe variety appeals more to you. Secondments are a great way for those with a few more years’ experience to get a taste for different areas of the business. It keeps things fresh for you, without committing to one particular avenue definitely, and it broadens your overall skills and experience which is valuable to your employer.

Don’t stop growing: senior career progression

For many, reaching the status of director is the pinnacle of their career. If this is something that interests you then it’s a good idea to look out for companies that are growing or expanding into new territories. You may stand a better chance of reaching a senior level if there is room at the top. Keep an eye out for companies that have clear strategies in place for developing the next crop of leaders, have clear succession plans and have established processes for dealing with this.

Progressing to the level of ‘Head of…’ or director is much more than evidence of ability, it offers some significant benefits. Being a business leader brings with it the chance to make an impact on the profession and to take the company in a certain direction that you envisage. It also enables you the chance to influence and offer help to those below you and shape the direction of their career, as yours was by your seniors.

Whatever stage of your professional life you’re at it’s important to keep thinking about the future and how the present builds towards that. Keep in mind that as you move up the career ladder what you want out of your career may change and the business that fitted your objectives may no longer do so. Of course, building a career entails having a job, but remember to keep thinking about how it fits with your overall career plans – if it doesn’t then maybe it’s time to move on.

If you found this blog interesting, have a look at our other blogs on interview tips and how to get a promotion, or if you’re looking for that perfect role, send us your CV. Alternatively, you can check out all the vacancies we have available.

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