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The Northern Powerhouse and what it will mean for recruitment

  • August 21, 2017

George Osborne (remember him?) and the idea of the Northern Powerhouse have been absent from the public eye in recent times. While the former left politics altogether and now holds approximately 47 different jobs, including Editor of the Evening Standard, the latter suffered from the Brexit vote and the ensuing general election and has, until recently, been relegated to the back burner. However, according to recent reports, the Northern Powerhouse is back on track, but what will it mean for recruitment?

Rising optimism

Jim O’Neil, the former Goldman Sachs economist – who quit as Treasury minister last year after a series of disagreements with the government – is now feeling more positive about the prospect of the Northern Powerhouse project actually happening following the departure of two key advisors. He commented that the resignation of Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill removed two significant barriers that had previously held back the development from taking place. “[Theresa May] has lost the two main internal opponents of the Northern Powerhouse…They would not even use the term.” He also insisted there was now ‘sufficient momentum’ from government to press ahead, adding, “It is up to people locally to take that momentum and carry it on.”

But what would the Northern Powerhouse mean for recruitment in the UK?

The development of the Northern Powerhouse would spell good news for firms based in the Northern regions of the country. In a survey we conducted last year, 75% of companies were optimistic about the potential impact of the project with the main reasons cited as improved transportation links between major employment hubs as well as an increase in population, meaning a larger, skilled talent pool for organisations to hire from.

The success of businesses – aside from those that are now employing robots – tends to hinge on the skills and expertise within their workforces. Without access to skilled talent, firms have little chance of being successful, regardless of the strength or willpower of their leadership. However, in recent years many have struggled to attract the potential employees they need to facilitate growth and expansion and instead have faced significant hiring challenges. The introduction of improved links with the rest of the country, and the knock on investment and development that this infrastructure would attract, could bring thousands of professionals to other areas of the UK, removing the current economic mismatch between the North and the South and potentially creating a myriad of jobs across a wide range of industries.

The Powerhouse is still certainly in the concept stage and there is a major amount of work and activity that needs to take place to even get it off the ground. However, if Jim O’Neill’s predictions are correct and it does get closer to being given the green light, firms across the UK, but particularly in the Northern part of the country are likely to benefit.

Businesses in the North specifically are justified in feeling that the region has been neglected in favour of the South in recent years, however the development of the Northern Powerhouse could change all that. It could level the playing field, respread investment across the UK and mean that businesses in areas that had previously struggled to hire, would now have access to much larger talent pools, what’s not to like?

What benefits do you think the Powerhouse could create for northern businesses?

Take a look at some of our other blogs to find out about employment opportunities in the North.

Or take a look at our current jobs to find your next game changing role.

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The Top North West Business Blogs

  • August 7, 2017

Starting your own business, or even working for an organisation that’s in its infancy can be challenging. There are a significant number of obstacles to overcome and even when you’re up and running, the problems will still come thick and fast. From monitoring performance, financial management, staying onside with regulations and compliance to maximising your data and offering outstanding customer service, there are myriad challenges to keep in mind. And that’s before we even mention the additional uncertainty that Brexit is likely to create. It can be useful – and wise – to seek advice from other sources and where better than your region where there are likely to be other organisations and individuals facing similar challenges to you. With that in mind, what are the top North West business blogs?

North West Business Insider

Probably the most well-known of all the top North-West business blogs, the North West Business Insider is part of the ‘Insider’ series and offers a wide variety of news, discussions and advice pieces aimed at professionals and businesses of all shapes and sizes. Clicking on the ‘advice’ tab can open up information on property investment, the best places to meet and network and much, much more.

North West Business Life

Another highly popular site with a wide readership, North West Business Life offers practical advice to firms and professionals on how to effectively use programmes like Excel, which is becoming ever more relevant in the data-driven age in which we live. It also features more left-field pieces on the importance of internal communications within organisations as well as interviews with some of the leading business figures in the North West.

Torchtalk – Better Business Bureau

Torchtalk, an offshoot of the Better Business Bureau, offers advice to business leaders on improving efficiency as well as giving career tips to individuals looking to enhance their employability. Particularly relevant to business owners are the recent sections on e-commerce and how firms can get going from a standing start.

Lancashire Enterprise Partnership

The Lancashire Enterprise Partnership (LEP) is a valuable resource for firms looking to gain potentially game-changing advice. This site offers funding tips for early stage and start up businesses along with guides on areas including developing digital skills. There’s also a specific ‘Chairman’s blog’ area containing views from the head of the partnership.

North & Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce

This isn’t strictly a blog, but the North & Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce offers insights on aspects including marketing as well as a wide range of helpful tips for start-ups. Perhaps the most valuable resource is the training section which promotes sessions on finances, communications, international trade, IT & software, sales & customer service and marketing.

These top North West business blogs all offer a wide range of diverse advice and handy tips for both businesses and professionals. However, one of the biggest challenges for any firm is managing its workforce and recruitment challenges. And if you’re looking for tips on how to maximise efficiency, or where to source the talent you need, then our very own blog will be suited to you.

Check out some of our other blogs to find career and development advice for both businesses and professionals.

Or take a look at some of our current jobs

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5 tips for handing in your notice

  • July 28, 2017

You’ve landed a new job, so why do you feel so stressed? Part of the reason in probably the worry over handing in your notice. It can be challenging to part ways with an employer, particularly if you’ve been there for a long time. After all, you don’t want to seem disloyal, or like you’ve gone behind their back to secure a new role. You may also be worried about burning bridges or impacting long term-relationships. We’ve provided some helpful tips that should make handing in your notice a stress free experience.

Bringing it up

Don’t hang about when you’ve been offered a new role and look to book a date in the diary as soon as possible when handing in your notice. Leaving it until later will only mean the issue is hanging over you and it could even begin to potentially eat into your notice period.

What to say

The vast majority of meetings will only be awkward if you make them so. Your manager is most likely an experienced professional so this won’t be the first time they’ve dealt with someone leaving. They’ll probably ask you where you’re moving to, and why, and if you want to avoid burning bridges, focus on the opportunity you’ve been presented with, as opposed to the reasons for you leaving the current firm. It’s advisable to resist the temptation to criticise the company and instead focus on confirming your resignation, telling your boss about the new role and thanking them in person for the support you’ve received.

The counter offer

Unless your boss has been counting down the days until you hand in your resignation it’s possible that you’ll be made a counter offer in the form of a promotion, pay rise or potentially even both. But what do you do when you’re intent on handing in your notice?

Whatever you do, don’t accept anything there and then. Weigh up your current options and consider whether a pay increase or change of role is actually what you’re looking for. Can your current company keep up with your ambitions? If so, why haven’t they already? It can be tempting to accept an offer on the spot, but if the same problems will reappear a few months down the line, then it’s probably not worth taking it.

What to write in your resignation letter

When it comes to your resignation letter, keep it professional and as straightforward as possible. Inform your manager of your decision and, if you’re genuinely sad to be leaving, write something along the lines of “it is with regret that I have decided to move on.” Then you should confirm when your last date will be, state that you are happy to assist with handovers or training and end on a positive note and again thank them for the support they’ve provided during your time with the business. You can, if you like, go into greater detail about why you’re leaving, but it’s likely you will have broached this in the meeting.

How to deal with workplace emotion

If you’re a valued member of staff and have a good relationship with your boss then they may find it hard to mask their emotions, but in this instance it’s ok to be empathetic and express your sadness about your departure. However, it’s also advisable to keep a level head – this is still a professional relationship and you’re, hopefully, doing what’s best for your career. You might feel a touch of guilt once the decision has been widely announced but, again, this is only natural, particularly if you’ve got friends at work and/or a supportive boss. Just remember, if they really care for you, they will want you to succeed so shouldn’t have any ill feeling towards you.

Handing in your notice can be stressful, but it doesn’t need to be. Follow our handy tips and get in contact if you’re considering finding a new role at a new company.

Check out some of our blogs to gain more cutting edge career advice

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Could you make it as a recruiter?

  • July 11, 2017

Regular readers will know we often use this blog as a platform to provide cutting edge insight and offer tips to professionals on how to get ahead in their careers. However, after a period of rapid growth and expansion we’re now looking to bolster our ranks and take on skilled recruiters – of all experience levels – to work out of our North West base. But could you make it as a recruiter?

Hard-working, but satisfying

It would be remiss to suggest that working as a recruiter is all sunshine and lollipops and the role can include a lot of hard work in order to be successful. However, it’s worth the occasional stressful day because you also get the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve potentially changed someone’s life. Securing a job can often be a pivotal moment for an individual, and their wider network, and contributing to such a major step is a highly gratifying feeling.


This is a key attribute and there are few, if any, top-level recruiters who don’t possess the ability to convey their point clearly and concisely. You’ll often be dealing with incredibly busy professionals who don’t necessarily want to take time out of their day to speak to a recruiter, which means it’s critically important to get your point across quickly yet accurately. It’s not just oral communication either, you’ll also have to possess the ability to engage effectively with people via email and through employment platforms like LinkedIn.

Belief in your ability

You’ll be placing professionals who are often true subject matter experts and they’re hardly likely to take career advice and guidance from someone they suspect may not know as much as they say. You have to be able to portray confidence to both clients and candidates if you want to be taken seriously, and that only comes from possessing true belief in your ability. As mentioned, changing roles can be one of the most significant moments in an individual’s life and they won’t want to be led on that journey by someone who doesn’t come across as credible and professional. Believe in yourself and those attributes will begin to shine through.

Self-motivation and resilience

As with any other job, recruiters will have good days and bad days. However, unlike some other sectors, it’s near-on impossible to ‘hide’ in the hiring industry and your employer will expect you to be able to take the rough with the smooth while still performing to the best of your ability.

The benefits

Now for the good stuff. After all, that hard work isn’t for nothing and one of the major perks of working as a recruiter are the benefits on offer. While the job descriptions promising you “45K BASIC SALARY OTE AFTER TWO WEEKS 400K” are, frankly, nonsense it’s certainly true that you can earn a significant amount working in the hiring field. Recruiters secure commission on the placements they make so hard-working and adept professionals are able to take home added benefits. Depending on the firm you work for, you’re also likely to get alternative perks. Here at Clayton Recruitment, for example, we offer an annual car incentive, raffles for super prizes, corporate days out and a team and company profit share system. We’re also firm believers in the power of CPD and offer training and development opportunities – along with potential study leave – to all of our consultants. Obviously, not all organisations will offer these types of extra-curricular perks however it can be a good way of identifying which firms will make the best employers.

Could you make it as a recruiter?

So after reading that, could you make it as a recruiter? If the answer is yes then get in touch with our team to find out about the roles we have on offer in our North West headquarters.

Take a look at some of our other blogs to find out what life is really like as a recruiter. Or browse our current roles to find out what’s available outside of the recruitment industry.

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Why managing your online reputation is crucial

  • June 28, 2017

While social media can be an excellent way of promoting your individual brand and add a personal context to your CV, it also has the potential to significantly damage your online reputation and may hinder you in your search for your next role. There is no way of knowing what the long term implications of posting content online will be, a status or photo that may seem harmless at the time may discourage a future employer from taking you seriously, or considering you for the position at all.

Protect your online reputation

According to research conducted by cyber security experts Norton, millennials need to be more conscious about their digital footprint. More than a quarter of 18-34 year olds have no idea what appears when their name is searched online, and perhaps more worryingly 48% of hiring managers indicated that they chose not to take on an applicant after discovering something on their social platforms. Moreover social media is a standard used by recruiters to help them select appropriate candidates for interview. So how can you manage your online reputation, and ensure that it bolsters your CV, rather than hinders your job prospects?

Start by googling yourself. This is the first step that any recruiter or potential employer will take, so it’s important that you know what they’re likely to find. As the number of social media profiles we have steadily increases, so too does the amount of information potential employers are able to find out. So it’s important to check your privacy settings. While you may want to have more professional platforms such as LinkedIn and Twitter open to the public, it’s unlikely that you’ll want employers to be able to trawl through your personal photos on Facebook or Instagram.

What would a potential employer think?

It’s also worth considering the type of content you are posting on your profiles and the impression this might give to a future employer. It’s definitely not advisable to post potentially embarrassing photos on any of your public profiles, or to ignore unprofessional ones you might have been tagged in. In addition it’s worth bearing in mind how a rant about how awful your day at work has been might look to someone thinking about hiring you. Impulsive updates are also not a good idea – take Donald Trump for example, who has launched countless Twitter rants and now faces a serious backlash which is likely to hurt his campaign for the most powerful job in the world.

Social media can be great at demonstrating your personality, however in terms of advancing your career it’s important that you find the right balance between personal and professional updates. You might want to tweet pictures of the salad you had for lunch, but you might want to counter that with a link to a recent blog you have written, or write about a professional development course you went on recently. For every five updates you post, it’s recommended that at least one is directly related to your career or personal development, that way an employer only has to scroll through your most recent updates to know you are hardworking and committed to your role.

Finally, make a note of who you are regularly engaging with on Twitter, if you are retweeting or sharing friends’ updates it’s vital that you consider how these might reflect on you. Try to engage with industry professionals or get involved with live chats to show that you are actively engaging with relevant sector conversations.

Don’t let your reputation be tarnished through social media

Social media can be great for interacting with friends, however it can also be a professional minefield so ensure you always remain conscious about how a potential employer may view your online profile, and make sure your profiles and privacy settings are all in order before beginning to search for a new role.

For more tips from the Clayton Recruitment team click here. And if you’re looking for your next role we should be talking. Get in touch today or take a look at our vacancies here.


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Clayton’s North West market analysis in the press

  • June 20, 2017

We recently undertook analysis of the North West employment market which was covered by recruitment publication, Recruitment International and professional body, The Association of Professional Staffing Companies(APSCo) featuring comment from our commercial manager, Tracy Bolan.

The research is based on a comparison of vacancy levels across our broad areas of expertise and highlights the ongoing skills requirements of employers in the region. The findings show that there are increased levels of demand for accountants in practice, sales administrators, sales hire desk controllers and welders here in the North West.





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Clayton Recruitment in HR Director

  • May 2, 2017

We regularly carry out market analysis and our most recent data explores the most in demand roles across the North West employment market.  Our Commercial Manager, Tracy Bolan, was recently featured in HR Director discussing the top five roles in demand. Here’s what she had to say:

Payroll Practitioners

Topping the list for the third quarter in a row, we have seen a huge requirement for payroll experts across the board. This stems from the increased trend of ‘Northshoring’ which has resulted in a plethora of companies relocating their payroll operations to the region. Consequently we have seen clients looking for payroll clerks, administrators and assistants to service these businesses. In addition we have seen demand for professionals at the more senior end of the market including payroll managers and supervisors for firms across the region.”

Maintenance Engineers

“The engineering industry suffers from huge shortages across the board as many of you will already be aware, and maintenance engineers are no different. For these roles in particular, much of the demand stems from the manufacturing arena and employers are increasingly seeking professionals who can not only carry out maintenance to machinery but also drive efficiencies and developments within plants.”

Credit Controllers

We have seen an increase in the number of companies in the region hiring for credit controllers. These professionals will always be in steady demand as companies ensure they control and manage their debtors effectively. Consequently the recent spike in demand can be attributed to two key factors. Firstly, staff churn and secondly, growth within a particular business which results in the need to bolster its credit control function”.

Accountants in Practice

The increased demand seen for accountants in practice can largely be attributed to increased workloads seen in the past few months in response to the end of the financial year. However we have also seen a rise in demand for chartered accountants to work in practices across the region thanks to organic growth.”

Marketing and E-Commerce specialists

Employers across the board are investing heavily in their e-commerce capabilities as consumers demand more from their online experience. Consequently we have seen a huge spike in demand for specialists who can enter a business and develop e-commerce strategies to drive sales in today’s omnichannel marketplace.”

For more insights from the Clayton Recruitment team visit our blog. And if you’re looking for a career move take a look at our vacancies here.


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How to onboard yourself into a new job

  • April 13, 2017

There was once a time when onboarding was somewhat of an afterthought, or indeed, a non-thought, for many organisations, however most companies will now have comprehensive programmes to ensure that successful candidates are swiftly integrated into their culture. Even so, as a new starter you should make the most of your first few weeks at a new organisation, and take steps to ensure you onboard yourself to the best of your own ability.

Before you begin

Make sure to utilise the break between roles. Don’t let the grass grow beneath your feet on the gap between finishing an old position and starting a new one. While it is important to make sure you’re well rested and mentally prepared to start in a new job one of the most effective ways to make use of any time off in-between is to create the foundations for strong professional relationships. Write a personal thank you to your interviewer, or hiring manager, thanking them once again, and take time to find out what you can about your new line manager and colleagues.

Review your induction schedule and handbook. It’s likely that you’ll receive both before your start date, so make sure you set aside plenty of time to read them both through thoroughly. Pay particular attention to the dress code, and give yourself enough time to find appropriate outfits if the formality differs from your prior place of work. If you aren’t provided with a schedule or policy handbook, requesting them will certainly set a good impression.

In your first week

Regardless of seniority, as a new starter, it’s crucial that you take the time to speak with each of your new colleagues. Establishing the foundations for strong professional relationships creates a more enjoyable work environment and can help you grasp the office structure and culture more quickly. If it helps, prepare some small-talk topics to draw on when introduced to new colleagues – this can be particularly useful if you’re joining a large team.

At the end of your first week, schedule some time to sit down and speak with your line manager to discuss how you are finding your new role. This conversation will give you a chance to get some initial feedback, discuss anything you are finding challenging, and ask about how your progress will be reviewed in the coming weeks and months.

Looking forwards

Professional development should be an ongoing effort. Make sure to set yourself a 90 day goal at the end of your first week, and regularly review your progress towards achieving this. It is also important to regularly review your skillset and discuss opportunities to develop any skills which would benefit your new work, or team.

Find more career advice and insight here.

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Clayton Recruitment in the Daily Mail

  • February 28, 2017

Lynn Sedgwick, Managing Director of Clayton Recruitment, recently featured in the Daily Mail offering her top three tips on negotiating the salary you want. Here is her advice:

Demonstrate your worth in monetary terms

‘That means giving examples of the times you’ve saved – or made – your employer money or have achieved something that has made a significant difference to the firm like changing inefficient processes, or opening a new business division.’

Be prepared to negotiate

‘You need to be able to state your case in a clear and concise way and don’t be afraid to haggle. The vast majority of interviewers will expect this to happen and so will leave a bit of wiggle room to potentially move your salary up.’

Good experience if handled correctly

‘The worst thing that can happen – if you conduct yourself properly – is that the interviewer says “no” and that answer won’t last forever. Even an unsuccessful salary negotiation can provide you with good experience so it’s worth giving it a go if you value your chances.’

You can read the article in full here. And more tips from the Clayton Recruitment team visit our blog.

© garagestock

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Clayton Recruitment on the BBC

  • February 27, 2017

Lynn Sedgwick, Managing Director of Clayton Recruitment, was recently featured on the BBC talking about salary negotiations. So what so jobseekers need to know when it comes to that all important conversation and what are Lynn’s top tips?

Do your research

There are a whole host of websites that can help you assess salary ranges for a particular role – is one such example. However it’s also a good idea to speak to recruiters – after all we are placing professionals into jobs every day so we have a good understanding of salary ranges. ​

It is also a good idea to research exactly what the role you are applying for involves – will it include lots of overtime or travel, for example. And if it does will you be compensated for this financially or perhaps offered time off in lieu? This is a point that Philippe Gaud, affiliate professor of management and Human Resources at HEC Paris Executive Education makes in the article. “If you want to create the best conditions for a good salary negotiation with an employer, you should first show that you understand the company’s perspective on compensation,”

What motivates you?

When it comes to the actual negotiating, our very own Lynn Sedgwick believes that it comes down to what motivates you:  “A lot depends on how much you want the job – and what your motivators are. If it’s purely about more money, then go for the highest you feel you honestly deserve, but make sure that you have the lowest figure you are willing to accept in your mind before you start.”  If you’re motivated by things other than money – work life balance, for example, then a different approach may best: ​“Decide how much of a compromise you are willing to make and find out when the next pay review would be and how you will be evaluated,” Lynn concluded.

For more top tips the full article can be found here. And more advice from the Clayton Recruitment team visit our blog.

© AndreyPopov

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