Think you deserve a promotion? Here’s how to get it in five simple steps
- September 29, 2017
Have you been over performing in your current position, exceeding expectations, and being given glowing reviews by your employer? If the answer is yes, then you may very well be ready for that all important promotion. Clearly, though, the opportunity isn’t going to simply fall into your lap. So how do you get noticed and get that well deserved promotion?
Here are our five top tips.
Set goals:
Setting goals should always be your first step, if you aren’t clear about where you want to go or what you want to achieve you’ll find yourself stuck in the same role. Only once you’ve set yourself goals can you start to work out how to achieve them. Work out the specific position you want and then imagine yourself attending an interview and the kind of questions they might ask. What makes you the right fit for the position? Do you have the appropriate experience? How would you manage the responsibilities? If you aren’t already able to answer these questions then they should provide you with a good indication of what you need to work on.
Why do you deserve the promotion?
Consider exactly why you’re suitable for the new role. If you’ve developed skills beyond the ones required for your current position see how well they align with those required for a more senior role. If they overlap significantly then it’s likely your manager may already be considering you for a step up. Conversely, if your skillsets aren’t yet up to the level required, then make sure to demonstrate that you are proactively taking steps to improve key skills and are committed to continued professional development. The same principle applies for your relevant experience, do you have enough already, or are there new responsibilities you could potentially take on?
Shout about your achievements:
Make sure your manager is aware of your achievements. If you work in a fast paced environment you’ll likely find that smaller successes are brushed to one side fairly quickly, or that your input into team achievements isn’t fully recognised. However, being able to demonstrate your successes and contributions will be key when discussing a potential promotion with your boss, so make sure to document all of them, however minor they may seem.
Get a meeting in the diary:
Schedule a meeting with your boss. While it’s important to formally schedule a consultation with your manager to ensure they understand the importance of the meeting, it’s also vital that you approach the conversation with enquires rather than demands. Let them know that you are keen to receive feedback on your performance and ask about potential opportunities for you to move up. Explain why you want to take on a new role, and demonstrate why you are ready if given the opportunity. However refrain from being pushy – if you come across as demanding you’ll hurt your chances of promotion rather then come any closer to gaining one.
Be realistic:
Be patient and realistic. If there is a role already available it may be that your meeting highlights you as an obvious candidate, however you may find that the reason you haven’t been promoted yet is because there simply isn’t a position open. In which case it’s key that you continue to demonstrate your relevant skillset, enthusiasm and commitment to professional development. You may find that your promotion is just around the corner.
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