5 Reasons to Work With a Specialist Recruiter in 2020
- December 20, 2019
The start of a new year – how many business owners have been mulling over their plans for 2020 and the coming decade while they were at home celebrating with family? I know I was!
Here is the thing.
To achieve growth, to scale your business and to more importantly – increase revenue – what you need is a great team.
Some people go as far as saying that your team are as equally as important as your customers. No successful business has ever made it with a sub-standard team in place, and engaged employees are widely considered to be essential to higher efficiency, productivity and profits.
The cost of a bad hire, while expensive in monetary terms (estimates range from £12,000 to up to tens of thousands of pounds) will potentially send shockwaves which will be felt throughout your business.
And the smaller your company, the more impact making the wrong hire will have. Increased workloads and stress for current employees, low morale, decreased productivity…all of these put a strain on your business in a time when you were planning on growing.
So, with this in mind – what are you doing to ensure the hires that you make in 2020 will be the right ones to ensure your business grows and moves in the right direction?
Make 2020 the year that you put your recruitment process in the hands of the experts by working with a specialist recruiter; and here is how it will benefit your business.
Unrivalled Expertise
Unfortunately, many business owners who are not well acquainted with the world of recruitment don’t realise the vast difference in service they will receive between a specialist and a general recruiter.
This is understandable, as those who don’t live and breathe recruitment (unlike us!) have less of an understanding of what different recruiters provide within their service.
Most people don’t realise the extent of the knowledge gaps that a general recruiter can have, and the impact this will have on your eventual hire. Every employee in your organisation has a bearing on your success, and so each employee must be hired for the value that they can add to your business.
You can only achieve this by working with a recruiter who has an in-depth understanding of your sector, and sadly, this is not what a general recruiter will provide.
Local Knowledge
As well as extensive sector knowledge, one of the most crucial elements of working with a specialist recruiter is their geographical location. Can you expect your recruiter to understand current issues affecting your town or city when they are based elsewhere in the country?
Understanding, and having a good knowledge of the businesses in the area is an added benefit that people often overlook when choosing a recruiter.
If your specialist recruiter focuses their recruiting in one geographical area, this means that they can give a vastly improved service. Understanding your local area, the current economic and job climate, and the local candidate base is an added layer to your specialist recruiter’s service, which strengthens their hiring process.
The Skills Shortage
A recent survey of recruitment in the accounting and finance sector found that there is a current ‘moderate’ skills shortage in pivotal roles. Another accounting survey found that 95% of recruiting partners have struggled to find skilled accountants – does this sound familiar?
There is a distinct lack of talent in the active accounting candidate market. Firms who attempt to recruit by themselves, or use a general recruiter, are failing to interview candidates who possess the right skills and attitude.
A niche specialist will have access to the broader talent pool and will have contact with candidates that would not otherwise be looking to apply to your organisation.
An Efficient Process
How fast is your recruitment process? How many stages are there to ensure that the candidate is right for the role?
Or is it more of a relaxed affair that can take weeks depending on when the senior staff can get together? Is it more a case of hiring the person who can start the soonest? Your specialist recruiter will have every stage, and more importantly – the time frame already in mind.
One of the biggest complaints I hear from candidates, and sadly, one of the reasons many businesses miss out on great candidates is that ‘the hiring process took too long’.
The speed and efficiency of your hiring process is something which many business owners fail to recognise as essential to the candidates. Your specialist recruiter has the time to keep in touch with candidates at every step of the way, ensuring that they don’t switch off or worse – get approached by a rival company..
The Right Hire – First Time
Finally, but certainly not least – perhaps the most value-adding aspect of working with a specialist recruiter is the guarantee that the right hire will be made for your organisation.
As I have highlighted in this article, it is so essential to make the right hire, the first time around, and working with a specialist recruiter will ensure that this happens. It reduces the chance of being left for weeks (or months) of uncertainty as you attempt to carry out the recruitment process around your businesses daily tasks.
Or the worry that a sub-standard hire might be made, as a result of working with a recruiter who doesn’t understand your businesses and your sector-specific needs.
About Clayton Recruitment
Clayton Recruitment has been partnering with organisations across the country since 1989, and during that time has built up an excellent reputation for trust and reliability.
With specialist divisions covering Commercial, Financial, Industrial, and Engineering appointments, on both a permanent and temporary basis. If you are looking for your next career move, we can help. Call us on 01772 259 121 or email us here.
If you would like to download our latest interview checklist, you can do so here.