5 Reasons to Change Accountancy Jobs
- October 4, 2019
Be honest – is your current accounting role fulfilling all the expectations you had when you first started?
Next big question – how long have you been in your current role despite knowing that you could be doing better elsewhere?
Quite often, great accountancy employees tell us that they have wanted to change jobs for a while, but are hesitant due to several reasons.
Becoming comfortable in a position and company you are familiar with, fear of change and not wanting to “job hop” are among some of the reasons we hear from employees who are in two minds about leaving their current role.
While leaving any job can be stressful, it is only by progressing in your accountancy career that you will be able to reach your full potential.
It is no longer frowned upon to change your role or even your entire career direction at intervals in your working life like it once was. Forbes also states that the optimum time frame to change your job should be every three to five years at least.
So, how can you tell when it’s time to change your current accountancy role for pastures new? Here are the top five reasons to consider.
1. You Aren’t Challenged Anymore
Why did you get into accountancy? Because you love the responsibility of being in charge of accounts, you are adept at crunching numbers, or you like the thrill of saving time and money that no-one else has worked out yet?
None of us want a job that is so hard that they end up being stressed, but studies show that there is a happy medium. The longer we go on in jobs that fail to challenge us – the unhappier we become.
2. To Increase Your Sector Knowledge
You might be thinking, “I like my job, I’m paid well, and I get on with my colleagues – why would I leave?” However, from a career point of view – this isn’t the best approach to consider.
In accountancy, there are a plethora of career opportunities for you to take, and settling for a role that you have grown fond of is slashing your opportunity for personal and professional development.
Even if you are an expert in your specialism, there will be challenges that a new place of work can bring. Great Accountants know that there is always more to learn. Cloud technology and mobile-based accounting platforms have continued to dominate the innovative side of the sector, and with artificial intelligence still threatening some roles, it always pays to keep ahead of the game in an ever-changing market.
3. For a Better Company
If changing jobs isn’t on your agenda, it can be hard to admit that the company you have settled for just isn’t that great.
Your boss can be impossible; there is no camaraderie between your colleagues and the tasks are unrealistic.
You would be shocked at the number of candidates we speak to who report frankly unacceptable working conditions but put up with them because they have grown so accustomed to them they believe that it’s the norm.
If you have been considering a career move to a different company for a while, speak to an accountancy recruiter, who will be able to discuss with you your career options and where they think you can go with your career in terms of a new direction or a more rewarding salary.
4. Your Values Have Changed
If you have been in the same job for more than five years, there is a good chance that you are a different person to the one that accepted this particular job.
You will have been through changes in your personal life and will have learned new things about yourself and your sector. For instance, having children naturally makes people want to slow down and consider their work/life balance.
This change becomes even more apparent when employees have been at the same company and also in the same role for years and years. It seems almost unthinkable that it was once the norm to stay with one company for the entirety of your working life.
The world of workhas changed, and it is not just considered normal, but it is actively encouraged to change your company in line with your personal values.
5. A Better Offer
And finally, I’ve saved the best for last here – the number one reason to leave your job should always be for a better offer.
That can mean a better salary or compensation package, a more prestigious company, or a new area of workthat you have always wanted to be involved with.
If you imagine your accountancy career as a line graph, the line should be steadily going upwards. This doesn’t mean that it has to be accelerated at break-neck speed, but it should always be going in the same direction – upwards.
If your accountancy career has been on the same trajectory for more than five years, it really should be time to consider your options for the future.
If you need help with your accountancy job search, get in contact with a dedicated accountancy recruiter, who will be able to go through your options with you.
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Clayton Recruitment has been partnering with organisations across the country since 1989 and during that time has built up an excellent reputation for trust and reliability.
With specialist divisions covering Commercial, Financial, Industrial, and Engineering appointments, on both a permanent and temporary basis. If you are looking for your next career move, we can help. Call us on 01772 259 121 or email us here.
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